Craig's B Hut
Camp Blackjack!
I got an email from Craig today....He's finally settled (if you can call it that!) in Afghanistan. Here's what he had to say:
Well, I'm finally here and actually working. It feels somewhat like a normal day for the first time in a long time. I woke up early...about 5:30 this morning and worked out. We have a little building that's only about 200 feet away with some cardio equipment -- can't ask for more convenient than that. I got myself really warm on the bike and then went out for a run after the sun came up. After I got back home I showered -- this is a nice set up too. It's about as close as the gymn -- 200 ft. or so. Plenty of hot water. Then I rolled over to the aid station which is on the second floor of a building (yeah, you guessed it -- about 200 feet from my room). I've seen just a few sick call patients and now I'm working on some of the administrative issues of my job. Our rooms are in what they call "B huts". It's basically a small plywood building. Inside it's got a hallway down the middle and is partitioned into six small rooms. There's room inside for a bed (we're all waiting for much needed new mattresses) a desk and some shelves to put clothing on. Every bit of furniture looks as though it was made it about 15 minutes and it's all made of plywood and 2x4's. Needless to say it needs work.
Here are some pictures of my B hut and camp blackjack where I live. In the camp one the main building is where our clinic is...up on the second floor. The metal building on the left is the women's bathroom. I think you could help with the decor here....everything is very functional. I've never had a cold shower. the big yellow tubes going into the side of our B hut? Yes, that's the heating and cooling. Climate control is excellent. There are a lot of things a guy could complain about I suppose but overall this is 1000% better than Iraq. The Army works hard to take care of us.
Sweet Hut! I'm glad its warm. Maybe you can show off your newly acquired wood floor installation skills and upgrade your digs. Although Ive always like the industrial/rugged look, very sheik. I bet some concrete counter tops would really set it off.
My wood skills will be put to the test making shelves and a closet out of plywood and nails that look like railroad spikes...I'm thinking hte painting skills will go to work to cover some of the graffiti in my room...
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